striemann.metrics module

This is the main module for the package.

class striemann.metrics.Metrics(transport, source=None)[source]

Buffers metrics and forwards them to a Transport

  • transport (Transport) – The transport used to send metrics.
  • source (Optional[str]) – If provided, this value will be added to all outbound metrics as the source attribute. The value may still be overridden on a per-metric basis.


>>> from striemann.metrics import InMemoryTransport, Metrics
>>> import pprint
>>> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
>>> transport = InMemoryTransport()
>>> metrics = Metrics(transport)
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> print(transport.last_batch)
[{'tags': [], 'attributes': {}, 'service': 'metrics written', 'metric_f': 1}]
recordGauge(service_name, value, ttl=None, tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Record a single scalar value, eg. Queue Depth, Current Uptime, Disk Free

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


In the simplest case, we just want to record a single number. Each time we record a Gauge, we replace the previous value.

>>> metrics.recordGauge("Customers in restaurant", 10)
>>> metrics.recordGauge("Customers in restaurant", 8)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> print(transport.last_batch)
[{'tags': [], 'attributes': {}, 'service': 'Customers in restaurant', 'metric_f': 8}]

We might want to segregate our metrics by some other attribute so so that we can aggregate and drill-down.

>>> metrics.recordGauge("Customers in restaurant", 6, hair="brown")
>>> metrics.recordGauge("Customers in restaurant", 2, hair="blonde")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {'hair': 'blonde'},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Customers in restaurant',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'hair': 'brown'},
        'metric_f': 6,
        'service': 'Customers in restaurant',
        'tags': []}]
incrementCounter(service_name, value=1, ttl=None, tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Record an increase in a value, eg. Cache Hits, Files Written

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


Counters are useful when we don’t know an absolute value, but we want to record that something happened.

>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold", value=2)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[{'attributes': {}, 'metric_f': 4, 'service': 'Burgers sold', 'tags': []}]

Counters reset after each flush.

>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[{'attributes': {}, 'metric_f': 1, 'service': 'Burgers sold', 'tags': []}]

Counters can have tags and attributes associated with them. Each unique set of tags and attributes is flushed as a separate metric.

>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold", tags=["drive-thru"], name="cheeseburger")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold", name="cheeseburger")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold", value=2, name="whopper")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {'name': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Burgers sold',
        'tags': ['drive-thru']},
    {   'attributes': {'name': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Burgers sold',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'name': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Burgers sold',
        'tags': []}]
decrementCounter(service_name, value=1, ttl=None, tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Record an decrease in a value, eg. Cache Hits, Files Written

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


Occasionally, we want to record a decrease in a value.

>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Customers waiting")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Customers waiting")
>>> metrics.decrementCounter("Customers waiting")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[{'attributes': {}, 'metric_f': 1, 'service': 'Customers waiting', 'tags': []}]
recordRange(service_name, value, ttl=None, tags=[], **kwargs)[source]

Record statistics about a range of values

Ranges are useful when we care about a metric in aggregate rather than recording each individual event. When flushed, a Range sends the minimum, maximum, and mean of each recorded metric, and the count of values recorded.

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


Ranges are useful when we want to know the distribution of a value. They’re used by the time() method internally.

>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 163)
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 185)
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 134)
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 158)
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 170)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': -185,
        'service': 'Customer height.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': -134,
        'service': 'Customer height.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': -162.0,
        'service': 'Customer height.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 5,
        'service': 'Customer height.count',
        'tags': []}]

Ranges respect tags an attributes when aggregating their values.

>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 163, sex='female')
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 185, sex='male')
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 134, tags='child', sex='male')
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 158, sex='female')
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 170, sex='male')
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {'sex': 'female'},
        'metric_f': 158,
        'service': 'Customer height.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'female'},
        'metric_f': 163,
        'service': 'Customer height.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'female'},
        'metric_f': 160.5,
        'service': 'Customer height.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'female'},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Customer height.count',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 170,
        'service': 'Customer height.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 185,
        'service': 'Customer height.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 177.5,
        'service': 'Customer height.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Customer height.count',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 134,
        'service': 'Customer height.min',
        'tags': 'child'},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 134,
        'service': 'Customer height.max',
        'tags': 'child'},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 134.0,
        'service': 'Customer height.mean',
        'tags': 'child'},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Customer height.count',
        'tags': 'child'}]
time(service_name, ttl=None, tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Record the time taken for an operation.

The time method returns a context manager that can be used for timing an operation. The timer uses the default timer<https://docs.python.org/2/library/timeit.html#timeit.default_timer>_ for the operating system.

Under the hood, the time method uses a Range to record its values.

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


Since timers use a striemann.metrics.Range to record their values they send a summary of all the values recorded since the last flush.

>>> import time
>>> with metrics.time("Burger Cooking Time"):
>>>    time.sleep(1)
>>> with metrics.time("Burger Cooking Time"):
>>>    time.sleep(5)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 1.0011436779996075,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 5.00513941600002,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 3.0031415469998137,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.count',
        'tags': []}]

Timers respect tags and attributes when aggregating.

>>> with metrics.time("Burger Cooking Time", type="whopper"):
>>>    time.sleep(1)
>>> with metrics.time("Burger Cooking Time", type="cheeseburger"):
>>>    time.sleep(5)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {'type': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 1.001190301999486,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 1.001190301999486,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 1.001190301999486,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.count',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 5.005140869999195,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 5.005140869999195,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 5.005140869999195,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.count',
        'tags': []}]
class striemann.metrics.MetricId

Bases: tuple

Used to uniquely identify a metric


(Dict[str, Any]) – Arbitrary key-value pairs associated with the metric


(str) – The ‘service’ of the metric.


(List[str]) – A list of string tags associated with the metric.

class striemann.metrics.Recorder[source]

Bases: object

Collects metrics and flushes them to a transport

send(metric, value, transport, suffix='')[source]
class striemann.metrics.LogTransport[source]

Bases: striemann.metrics.Transport

Simple Transport that sprints metrics to the log. Useful for development environments


Send all buffered metrics

Parameters:is_closing (bool) – True if the transport should tear down any resources, eg. Sockets or file handles.

Buffer a single event for sending.

class striemann.metrics.InMemoryTransport[source]

Bases: striemann.metrics.Transport

Dummy transport that keeps a copy of the last flushed batch of events. This is used to store the data for the stats endpoints.


Send all buffered metrics

Parameters:is_closing (bool) – True if the transport should tear down any resources, eg. Sockets or file handles.

Buffer a single event for sending.

class striemann.metrics.RiemannTransport(host='localhost', port='5555', timeout=5)[source]

Bases: striemann.metrics.Transport

Transport that sends metrics to a Riemann server.


Send all buffered metrics

Parameters:is_closing (bool) – True if the transport should tear down any resources, eg. Sockets or file handles.

Check whether the transport is connected.


Buffer a single event for sending.

class striemann.metrics.CompositeTransport(*args)[source]

Bases: striemann.metrics.Transport

Transport that wraps two or more transports and forwards events to all of them.


Send all buffered metrics

Parameters:is_closing (bool) – True if the transport should tear down any resources, eg. Sockets or file handles.

Buffer a single event for sending.

class striemann.metrics.Gauge(source)[source]

Bases: striemann.metrics.Recorder

Gauges record scalar values at a single point in time, eg. queue size, active sessions, and forward only the latest value.

record(service_name, value, ttl, tags, attributes)[source]
class striemann.metrics.Range(source)[source]

Bases: striemann.metrics.Recorder

Summarys record the range of a value across a set of datapoints, eg response time, items cleared from cache, and forward aggregated metrics to describe that range.

record(service_name, value, ttl=None, tags=[], attributes={})[source]
class striemann.metrics.Counter(source)[source]

Bases: striemann.metrics.Recorder

Counters record incrementing or decrementing values, eg. Events Processed, error count, cache hits.

record(service_name, value, ttl, tags, attributes)[source]
class striemann.metrics.Timer(service_name, ttl, tags, attributes, histogram)[source]

Bases: object

Timers provide a context manager that times an operation and records a gauge with the elapsed time.

class striemann.metrics.Metrics(transport, source=None)[source]

Bases: object

Buffers metrics and forwards them to a Transport

  • transport (Transport) – The transport used to send metrics.
  • source (Optional[str]) – If provided, this value will be added to all outbound metrics as the source attribute. The value may still be overridden on a per-metric basis.


>>> from striemann.metrics import InMemoryTransport, Metrics
>>> import pprint
>>> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
>>> transport = InMemoryTransport()
>>> metrics = Metrics(transport)
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> print(transport.last_batch)
[{'tags': [], 'attributes': {}, 'service': 'metrics written', 'metric_f': 1}]
decrementCounter(service_name, value=1, ttl=None, tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Record an decrease in a value, eg. Cache Hits, Files Written

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


Occasionally, we want to record a decrease in a value.

>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Customers waiting")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Customers waiting")
>>> metrics.decrementCounter("Customers waiting")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[{'attributes': {}, 'metric_f': 1, 'service': 'Customers waiting', 'tags': []}]

Flush all metrics to the underlying transport.

Parameters:is_closing (bool) – True if the transport should be shut down.
incrementCounter(service_name, value=1, ttl=None, tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Record an increase in a value, eg. Cache Hits, Files Written

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


Counters are useful when we don’t know an absolute value, but we want to record that something happened.

>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold", value=2)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[{'attributes': {}, 'metric_f': 4, 'service': 'Burgers sold', 'tags': []}]

Counters reset after each flush.

>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[{'attributes': {}, 'metric_f': 1, 'service': 'Burgers sold', 'tags': []}]

Counters can have tags and attributes associated with them. Each unique set of tags and attributes is flushed as a separate metric.

>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold", tags=["drive-thru"], name="cheeseburger")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold", name="cheeseburger")
>>> metrics.incrementCounter("Burgers sold", value=2, name="whopper")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {'name': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Burgers sold',
        'tags': ['drive-thru']},
    {   'attributes': {'name': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Burgers sold',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'name': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Burgers sold',
        'tags': []}]
recordGauge(service_name, value, ttl=None, tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Record a single scalar value, eg. Queue Depth, Current Uptime, Disk Free

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


In the simplest case, we just want to record a single number. Each time we record a Gauge, we replace the previous value.

>>> metrics.recordGauge("Customers in restaurant", 10)
>>> metrics.recordGauge("Customers in restaurant", 8)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> print(transport.last_batch)
[{'tags': [], 'attributes': {}, 'service': 'Customers in restaurant', 'metric_f': 8}]

We might want to segregate our metrics by some other attribute so so that we can aggregate and drill-down.

>>> metrics.recordGauge("Customers in restaurant", 6, hair="brown")
>>> metrics.recordGauge("Customers in restaurant", 2, hair="blonde")
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {'hair': 'blonde'},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Customers in restaurant',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'hair': 'brown'},
        'metric_f': 6,
        'service': 'Customers in restaurant',
        'tags': []}]
recordRange(service_name, value, ttl=None, tags=[], **kwargs)[source]

Record statistics about a range of values

Ranges are useful when we care about a metric in aggregate rather than recording each individual event. When flushed, a Range sends the minimum, maximum, and mean of each recorded metric, and the count of values recorded.

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


Ranges are useful when we want to know the distribution of a value. They’re used by the time() method internally.

>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 163)
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 185)
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 134)
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 158)
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 170)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': -185,
        'service': 'Customer height.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': -134,
        'service': 'Customer height.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': -162.0,
        'service': 'Customer height.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 5,
        'service': 'Customer height.count',
        'tags': []}]

Ranges respect tags an attributes when aggregating their values.

>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 163, sex='female')
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 185, sex='male')
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 134, tags='child', sex='male')
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 158, sex='female')
>>> metrics.recordRange("Customer height", 170, sex='male')
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {'sex': 'female'},
        'metric_f': 158,
        'service': 'Customer height.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'female'},
        'metric_f': 163,
        'service': 'Customer height.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'female'},
        'metric_f': 160.5,
        'service': 'Customer height.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'female'},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Customer height.count',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 170,
        'service': 'Customer height.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 185,
        'service': 'Customer height.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 177.5,
        'service': 'Customer height.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Customer height.count',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 134,
        'service': 'Customer height.min',
        'tags': 'child'},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 134,
        'service': 'Customer height.max',
        'tags': 'child'},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 134.0,
        'service': 'Customer height.mean',
        'tags': 'child'},
    {   'attributes': {'sex': 'male'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Customer height.count',
        'tags': 'child'}]
time(service_name, ttl=None, tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Record the time taken for an operation.

The time method returns a context manager that can be used for timing an operation. The timer uses the default timer<https://docs.python.org/2/library/timeit.html#timeit.default_timer>_ for the operating system.

Under the hood, the time method uses a Range to record its values.

  • service_name (str) – The name of the recorded metric.
  • value (SupportsFloat) – The numeric value to record.
  • ttl (Optional[int]) – An optional time-to-live for the metric, measured in seconds.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of strings to associate with the metric.
  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional key-value pairs to associate with the metric.


Since timers use a striemann.metrics.Range to record their values they send a summary of all the values recorded since the last flush.

>>> import time
>>> with metrics.time("Burger Cooking Time"):
>>>    time.sleep(1)
>>> with metrics.time("Burger Cooking Time"):
>>>    time.sleep(5)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 1.0011436779996075,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 5.00513941600002,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 3.0031415469998137,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {},
        'metric_f': 2,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.count',
        'tags': []}]

Timers respect tags and attributes when aggregating.

>>> with metrics.time("Burger Cooking Time", type="whopper"):
>>>    time.sleep(1)
>>> with metrics.time("Burger Cooking Time", type="cheeseburger"):
>>>    time.sleep(5)
>>> metrics.flush()
>>> pp.pprint(transport.last_batch)
[   {   'attributes': {'type': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 1.001190301999486,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 1.001190301999486,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 1.001190301999486,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'whopper'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.count',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 5.005140869999195,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.min',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 5.005140869999195,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.max',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 5.005140869999195,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.mean',
        'tags': []},
    {   'attributes': {'type': 'cheeseburger'},
        'metric_f': 1,
        'service': 'Burger cooking time.count',
        'tags': []}]

striemann.test.fakes module

In-memory fake replacements for objects in striemann.metrics.

For use in tests.

striemann.test.fakes.metric_id(service_name, tags=None, fields=None)[source]

Helper function for creating instances of MetricId

class striemann.test.fakes.FakeTimer(service_name, tags, attributes, metrics)[source]

Fake implementation of the context manager time()

class striemann.test.fakes.FakeMetrics[source]

Fake implementation of Metrics


>>> import expects
>>> from striemann.test.expectsmatcher import contain_metric
>>> metrics = FakeMetrics()
>>> metrics.incrementCounter('Burgers sold')
>>> assert (metric_id('Burgers sold'), 1) in metrics
>>> metrics.recordGauge('Hunger level', 10)
>>> expect(metrics).to(contain_metric('Hunger level'))
incrementCounter(servicename, value=1, tags=[], **kwargs)[source]
recordGauge(service_name, value, tags=[], **kwargs)[source]
recordRange(service_name, value, tags=[], **kwargs)[source]
time(service_name, tags=[], **kwargs)[source]

striemann.test.expectsmatcher module

An expects matcher for asserting metrics are recorded.


class striemann.test.expectsmatcher.contain_metric(service_name, tags=[], value=None, **kwargs)[source]